A debt ceiling deal?
Our long national nightmare is, um, is this thing still happening? As I awaken this morning, to the glorious scent of my morning coffee, I am similarly comforted by the news that yes, my friends, we have a deal! The debt ceiling crisis has been resol... Wait, what? It's over? No. It's not over. Or is it? Well, shit. Yellen pushed back the doom date, McCarthy accepted the terms of Biden's surrender in general form, and now the question will be the process of getting the actual votes in Congress. Yesterday, I warned that this would actually be quite difficult, and I stand by that. Will this pass? I do not know. Biden gave away a lot. In policy terms, the left will throw shit-fits about Biden's surrender. My initial reaction is as follows. I mostly see the policies themselves as defensible. Work requirements? Philosophically, it is hard to oppose work requirements, but anyone should be ope...