Colonialism, anti-colonialism and unintentional subversiveness: Gods Of Jade And Shadow, by Sylvia Moreno-Garcia
I am a bit behind on this book. Sylvia Moreno-Garcia is among the new stars of sci-fi/fantasy, and Gods of Jade and Shadow was quite a hit a while back. It took me a while. We all have large stacks of reading. Interesting book. Flawed, as most books are, but it has a few clever tricks, and for this morning, let's consider the most fun element of the novel, which is what I think is its unintentional subversiveness. Colonialism. Anti-colonialism. These are buzzwords in the current political climate. Moreno-Garcia's politics, at the surface level, would seem to place her on the modern left, and yet a close reading of Gods of Jade and Shadow reveal a sort of anti-anti-colonialist sentiment, that, if we count the negatives, by the rule of the double-negative, is almost colonialist. Oooh. Scaaary . And fascinating in its shades of grey. Grey as the outer boundaries of the Mayan underworld, Xibalba....