Must I... [gulp]... re-read Atlas Shrugged? Can't I just hit my head with a hammer a few times?
Every pompous, self-involved high school student with a science fiction fascination reads Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged . Maybe not every high school student. Maybe just boys. It's a little like Rush. In fact, given the band's objectivist leanings, it's a lot like Rush. Self-indulgent, overwhelmingly male, and mostly if you get into it in adolescence, you get out of it by early adulthood because wow is it overwrought. Actually, I still like Rush, and you can stick your judgment up your 4/4 because I do not care what anyone thinks of my taste, so take that 7 and shove it up your 8. Ayn Rand was not a skilled writer, in the sense of artistic prose, and as a philosopher, I found her to be a long-winded writer. Philosophically, I subscribe to no particular school of thought, finding value in many thinkers, from Socrates to the Stoics to Kant, and objectivists detest Kant, Stoicism (the actual philosophy, not the colloquial term) and all such philo...