Quick take: On the inevitable end of race-based preferences in college admissions
The Supreme Court struck down race-based preferences in college admissions, as everyone with a brain knew would happen. I will make a simple observation. Perhaps you recall the famous assertion by Ibram X. Kendi: "The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination." The suit was brought by Asian-American applicants, not white applicants, and this matters. It matters because the existence of the case demonstrates that Kendi was wrong. There has been discrimination against Asians and Asian-Americans in American history, as recently/famously/egregiously as the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII.
That constitutes "discrimination." Can I have my understatement-of-the-year award now?
Was past discrimination remedied? Yes. With discrimination? No. Yet it was remedied so effectively that Asian-Americans out-perform white Americans by every measure. High school graduation rates, test scores, college admissions, income... every measure.
Ibram X. Kendi's claim cannot be reconciled with even the existence of the suit under which affirmative action was just struck down.
Does that mean you cannot argue in favor of affirmative action? No. It just means that Kendi's argument is nonsense. I do not know why people take it seriously.
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