Dear leftists: Your party is now the GOP
Black is white, up is down, left is right, and Kevin McCarthy is now advocating the leftist dream of decades. For those paying insufficient attention to the debt ceiling hostage game of 2023, here is Kev's current position. Kev' will not raise the debt ceiling without spending cuts. He has not specified the spending cuts, of course, because that is not how the Republican Party plays this mind-numbingly stupid, self-destructive game. He has, however, insisted that Social Security and Medicare are off the table. Social Security, Medicare, defense, bond payments, and everything else individually is chump change. If you insist that the country will pay its debts, and maintain Social Security and Medicare (because it would be political suicide to go after them), then the money must come from defense. Moreover, in the era of the Trump-Putin alliance, when the neo-paleo-GOP has decided that Russia should be allowed to march across Europe and take whatever it wants unopposed, there is a rising faction demanding... [gulp]... defense cuts.
For decades, leftist peaceniks who think that you can solve the world's problems with flowers, bong hits and substituting patchouli oil for bathing have demanded less military spending. Behold, your champion! Kevin McCarthy! Rally to your champion, rally to your party! The Grand Old Party! Rally to the ideology of neo-paleo-conservatism, in which defense spending must be slashed! Kevin McCarthy may not be the hero you need, nor the hero you want, but he is the hero you deserve.
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