A oblique commentary on politics and the changing nature of offense via the late, great Frank Zappa

 I just listened to Frank Zappa's 1979 classic, Sheik Yerbouti.  If anyone needed an example of why Tipper Gore's PMRC went after Frank and dragged him in front of Congress to testify (yup, that happened), this album has many examples.  The songs are rude, crude, and then there's "Jewish Princess."  I made a few comments about the unhidden bigotries in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov in Sunday's post, and if this is the first time anyone connected Zappa and Dostoevsky, then I am proud of that.  Nevertheless, I remain a fan of both.  Still, I was prompted to listen by certain other events around the world.  Note the title of the album, which is hardly a subtle pun.  The album cover features Frank in garb that would now get him attacked for "appropriation," and worse, appropriation that disparages the most protected of cultures.  In 2022, that image itself would probably be considered as high a sin as any lyric in "Bobby Brown Goes Down."

And if you listen to "Bobby Brown Goes Down," are you more offended by the story and content, or the phrase, "sexual spastic?"

As for "Jewish Princess," antisemitism is totally cool on college campuses today.  Just don't dress the way Frank did on the cover of Sheik Yerbouti or the morality police will come for you.

Watch me post this and not lose my shit.  It's not like Frank is threatening me with physical violence, or anything.  I mean, if someone did that, well... actually, nothing would happen.  Frank's garb is the sin, and nobody on college campuses cares about antisemitism.  They encourage it.
