Coming soon: Racism is serious, wokeness undercuts our ability to grapple with it
Yesterday, I did another of my "poke the bear" things in my commentary on The Labyrinth Index, by Charles Stross. I observed that, technically, Cthulu is anti-racist, because the act of wiping out all of humanity would eliminate all racial inequality. In a way, it amuses me to write these things, or I wouldn't do it, but in a bigger-picture way, I am irritated by the existence of my motivation to do so. Too much of the oxygen in our public sphere is sucked up by stupid arguments, and as a consequence, our public debate over real issues suffers. I wanna tackle this. Coming soon, because while it's fun to poke at the foibles of wokeness, wouldn't it be better if we could actually tackle the big stuff in a serious way?
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