Quick(is) take: Anthony Fauci and "yay, science"

 I suppose the big news yesterday was Anthony Fauci giving an unshackled press appearance in which he talked about how great it felt to be able to go where science leads rather than where Trump demands.  Oh, he of the Sharpie and staring unprotected at solar eclipses.  Yay, science!  Two quick(ish) comments.

First, professors have historically been Democratic and liberal, but not uniformly so.  If you looked, you could find conservative and Republican professors, although the challenge of doing so would vary by discipline.  Yet, even the conservatives and Republicans in the academy recoiled in revulsion from Trump.  Why?  Anti-intellectualism.

Second, don't get too comfortable here, lefties.  The scourge of academia right now is also the scourge of the far-left, which has taken over most of the left, and the Democratic Party as a whole:  postmodernism.  That would be the philosophy that there is no such think as a knowable, objective truth.  Adherents to this noxious and anti-intellectual philosophy are the ones who perpetuate cancel culture in academia against anyone who observes that scientific research conflicts with their claims because they don't believe that they need science.  Yes, academics are silenced, either directly or through intimidation.  Cancel culture is real, and nowhere is it more virulent than in academia.  Yes, it gets in the way of science.

And here's the worst part.  Would you like me to state one of these scientific observations that I'm not allowed to state, or that I will be somehow punished for stating?  I can't!  That's the point!  If you do some research, or have been paying attention, you may be able to figure out what kind of social scientific observations result in punishment by postmodernists and institutions employing those who dare to speak, but at the moment, and in this post, I'm not going to test the bounds of tenure.  I'm going to note them.

Within this observation, of course, there is another.  In order to know what is being hidden by the intimidation of cancel culture and the anti-scientific postmodernism motivating so much of the left right now, you need to do a lot of work on your own.  Cancel culture is real, pervasive on the left, and as close as they can come to book-burning.  It's keeping me from saying a lot right now.  Fauci may finally feel free, but a lot of us don't, because so much of the left uses postmodernist-motivated intimidation to keep us from saying what scientific and social scientific research demonstrate or don't demonstrate, if such demonstrations conflict with current left-wing dogma, since many of them view science as, at best, one of many paths towards many truths, and at worst, a tool of "the man" for oppression.

Point being, if you are going to cheer that Fauci "yay, science" thing, make sure you reject anti-scientific postmodernism on the left, in all its forms, and be alert for what is being hidden from you by the cancel culture in which the postmodernists revel.

Gee... I really wish I could elaborate on what I am prevented from saying, but that's kind of the point, isn't it?
