Coronavirus, the 2020 election and Donald Trump's reelection prospects
Another quick news-'0-the-week post, just to break pattern. Will the coronavirus affect the 2020 election? Chris Achen & Larry Bartels actually have a relevant research paper here, called " Blind Retrospection ." They eventually incorporated it into a pretty good book. I've been assigning the paper for years. Here's the basic point: voters actually blame incumbents, and punish them, for natural disasters beyond their control. They actually, seriously found an effect for the Matawan, NJ shark attacks that were the loose inspiration for Jaws . Not. Kidding. For real. Yeah, voters will do that. Democracy! YEAH! So, fun story. They also included analysis of the 1918 influenza outbreak. That case? No effect. No electoral punishment. Why? Achen & Bartels argued that the key was whether or not a plausible story could be told about politicians having a responsibility. Sure, ...