In which a Berkeley Ph.D. joyously bashes Stanford: Speak clearly, write clearly, and reject linguistic authoritarianism
2022 is ending, and tomorrow, I will write something to take perspective. This morning, I take joy in the little things. Like bashing Stanford. Having earned my doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley, I signed a contract in which I agreed to find ways both great and small to observe the evils of that institution across the Bay, Stanford [use the same intonation as, " Newman "]. So we look back on 2022 and forward to 2023 with yet another cultural and linguistic facepalm about leftism and language, which is normally an excruciating task in which the only joy is catharsis, but this morning, I find special pleasure in fulfilling by Berkeley obligations. Fuck Stanford. To quote Wendy Testaburger, fuck them right in the ear. It is with some small irony that Stanford issued its new linguistic dictates, creating one of the more prominent and stupid academic scandals shortly after I wrote a series of posts about China Mieville's out...