The perils of political commentary through literature (...and I criticize my favorite author)
The term, "fanboy," has some interesting baggage associated with it, but one would not be completely out of place attaching it to me when it comes to Nora Jemisin. I discussed her just last week in my Sunday post, and I talk about her all the time to anyone who will listen. That does not, of course, mean that one should read everything she writes uncritically, and as I continue to spend my Sunday posts addressing the use of science fiction to think about the modern world, her latest gives us a dramatic example of why pedestals are meant to be knocked down, sacred cows are delicious, and iconoclasm is a wonderful, if (definitionally) destructive hobby. Hey, look! There's my icon! What shall I do next? You know the etymology of "-clasm," right? Hulk smash. Hulk take graven images commandment very seriously. Anyway, depending on your Amazon purchase history, you might have gotten an ad last week about a collection of short stories ( Forwa...